Sunday 24 February 2013

Happy Birthday Nad!!

its another surprise birthday party for a very very good friend of mine - nadiawati a.k.a nad!

alhamdulillah....majlis berjaye dgn jayenye (ok abaikan ayat ni mmg pelik). mastermind is, encik anas fitri a.k.a besday girl punye boifren. hihihi. party bwat kt Seol Garden , Paradign Mall. 1st time pegi kt sane mmg seronok ya amatttt. byk gile kedai2 yg super menarik, tp time ntok bershopping xde ye...ade misi yg perlu dilaksanakan.

so, saye, cik juju and asri sampai dulu kt Seol Garden, then suddenly anas n kamal bawak nad kt SG tu. n surpriseeeee!!!!!! hihihihi.... mmg nad nmpk terkejot. hahahaa..klaka sngt tgk kiteoang ade kt situ, ready dengan kek. hihih..comel nye!!!...

sorry nad hadiah x seberape...n hope u'll love it :)

cekidaut our photogedix -

 ok pic budak 2 org ni mmg wajib ade.hahaah
 Sweet lil birthday girl - Nad!
 Nad, Anas, Kamal, Asri, Juju & Me
This is limited edition babe!! Special from Juju's polaroid camera. hihihi. (i love itttt!)


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