Sunday 24 February 2013

My Top MU fans!

Hello uncle2 aunty2 out there.. my name is Idraki Asadel bin Izfar Aslam. my Mummy's name is Nur Azyan Binti Abd Rahim.. n i am one out of Millions Manchester United fans!. hihihi.....

Ni la anah buah saye.. comel kn??? i love him soooo much. soo cute, soo cheeky, so loveable, cuddly n sewaktu dengannye....hujung minggu lebih bermakne bile spent time dengan budak kicit ni.....x sabarnyeeee nk ade baby of my own..uols doakan saye ye. Amin -Insyaallah :)


Happy Birthday Nad!!

its another surprise birthday party for a very very good friend of mine - nadiawati a.k.a nad!

alhamdulillah....majlis berjaye dgn jayenye (ok abaikan ayat ni mmg pelik). mastermind is, encik anas fitri a.k.a besday girl punye boifren. hihihi. party bwat kt Seol Garden , Paradign Mall. 1st time pegi kt sane mmg seronok ya amatttt. byk gile kedai2 yg super menarik, tp time ntok bershopping xde ye...ade misi yg perlu dilaksanakan.

so, saye, cik juju and asri sampai dulu kt Seol Garden, then suddenly anas n kamal bawak nad kt SG tu. n surpriseeeee!!!!!! hihihihi.... mmg nad nmpk terkejot. hahahaa..klaka sngt tgk kiteoang ade kt situ, ready dengan kek. hihih..comel nye!!!...

sorry nad hadiah x seberape...n hope u'll love it :)

cekidaut our photogedix -

 ok pic budak 2 org ni mmg wajib ade.hahaah
 Sweet lil birthday girl - Nad!
 Nad, Anas, Kamal, Asri, Juju & Me
This is limited edition babe!! Special from Juju's polaroid camera. hihihi. (i love itttt!)


Wednesday 20 February 2013

Nasik ohhh Nasikk!!

Tik Tok Tik Tok....

Ohhh kalo ade CCTV skang nih sure korang blh nmpk kecemasan yg tertera di wajah ku ini..sambil tgk jam, sambil jenguk2 ke luar rumah...(n sambil blogging ;p) nk tahu nape???

td jam 12 pm en hubby ckp nk balik mkn tgh ari kol 1..punye la gelabah masak (td dok relax facebooking sambil tgk tv...cuti katekaaaaaan)... dah settle msk2, hubby call,

Hubby: awak msk x?
Me: msk...sume da ready...tggu awak je balik ni ha <3
hubby: ok saye baru gerak dr opis ni...see u at home
me: ok dear

so saye pon prepare kuar pinggan sume, amek senduk, nk senduk nasik..TIBE2!!!!! omaigaaaaddddddd!!!!!! suis nasik x onnn!!!!!...korang sure pernah alami bende ni kan?? adoiii gelabah on dgn harapan hubby x bwk keta laju2 sngt. hahaahaaha.....clumsy me!!!!.huhuhu..

oh nasikk cpt la masak ye...

ok tu je nk update .. :)


Monday 18 February 2013

Apam Polkadot!!

 Mariii mariii mariiiiiii!!!!

Sape nk beli Apam Polkadot yg kiut miut nih.....hehhehee..comel kan? comel kan??
Sebelom ape2 spekulasi dibuat, baik saye inform awal2. Apam polkadot ni bukan saye yg buat ye uols...saye tlg kazen saye jual / promote...

korang boleh request nk kaler ape....kalo mcm dlm gmbr ni, tema suke hati a.k.a colorfull... mmg soo super cute n colorful kn?? hihihi...

size Apam ni seketul ialah sebesar duit 50 sen yg lame tu ...bukan 50 sen baru taw...50 sen baru  kecik sngt size nye..n filling die, uols blh request nk perisa ape: coklat,strawberry,blueberry,orange.. haaaa da la cute, bes lak tu...

mmg sngt seswai ntok bwk mase besday ke, or bwat hantaran tunang / kawen. Aritu saye try bwk pi opis, bg bebudak opis try, dieaong siap order ntok Chinese New Year la, open house la, tunang la. Siap boss saye pon order sekali. hihihi

price pulak, kalo uols beli 1 kotak = 100 biji = RM 35 jeeeee!!!..

mariiii dapatkan segeraaaaa...

for easier reference, korang blh order direct to my cuzzie (shida) - 019-3178453.. :)

Saturday 16 February 2013

My Twin's Surprise Party!


heheyyy its my twin's birthdayyyy!!!.. well not exactly today. but only now all of us free to do something for her. so the super mastermind is cik Nad kite. hahaah.....saye n nad da siap2 pakat via e-mail kt opis(naseb x kantoi je ngan bos). of coz la kiteoang kene kawtim ngan mr. Asri kan ntok culik juju. hahaah.....

setelah di plan2, n ajak few members: naddy, faiz, sofwan, first, nk celebrate kt old town alamanda. tp disebabkn cik juju kite akan sampai lmbt, nnt alamanda tutop, so tukar plan last minit, pegi old town cyberjaya..sebab bak kate anas, old town cyberjaya ni x pernah tutup. korang nk lepak sampai minggu depan pon boleh. hahahah..ok tu lawak.

dah cun2 kawtim ngan asri, asri bwk g oldtown cyberjaya and..surpriiiiiiiiseeeeee!!!!.. alhamdulillah berjaye gak bwat juju terkezut. haha. tp actually mule2 we all yg terkejot sebab asri bwk juju jmpe tros ngan  kiteoang. memule plan, kiteoang yg pi sergah juju. hahaha kn dah memasing terkejot. hihi.. but it was fun!!.. n thanks to sofwan sudi blikan kek (siap claimed lg) ;) kek coklat baskin robin mmg super bes n mengenyangkn....

sorry ju this year xde tepung2. hahaah...

 Our Birthday Girl!

well, ni je la yg termampu kami sediakan. hihi..sorrry la gmbr pon gelap gelita..bad lighting!. hihihi...

So , again, Happy Belated Birthday Ju...may all the greatest be with u, i pray to Allah for your good health, wealth and happiness. Promise me that we will be twins sister for eternity ")

you know who~


Friday 15 February 2013


Yaikssssss!!!! Allergicccc sngt!.

dengan ape?? dengan camera!!. hahahaha..mane ade camera, situ gak la smpt senyum, smpt pandang camera. haihhh..penyakit apekah yg dah berjangkit kat saye nih.... bukan saye je..same la dgn bebudak opis ni pon... mentang2 bos xde kt opis. berleluase betol perangai memasing. hahahaha...layannn~~~~

haaaa yg kakak pakai tudung merah tu kak zaihan....die tgh pregnant 4 bulan lebih...pregnant pon camwhore jugakkkkkk..jgn x tahu uolssss. hahaaha.. yg jejaka pakai spec tu haikal, baik budaknye...selalu tlg belikan popia kt masjid jamek. hahaahaha..... ni la keje kami bile bos xde n bebudak opis sume da pulang berweekend. hahaahaha.

i love Camera!!!!

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Camping Yang Ter-best!

Camping weeeeeehhhhhh!!!!!..

Da lame sesangat x g camping! hari tu mase cuti raye cine, we all pegi camping..actually name je camping tido kt apartment. saye , hubby, adik, mira, adik hanis, n beberape org geng lg join ekspedisi Gen-Y. Along arrangekan. bukan camping suke2 je, tp ade pengisian tentang MAA Takaful, a lil bit of how important the product or policy is, and more to how we (Takaful consultant) tackle our customer. Well, i admit that i'm new in this business but it is interesting.

So the expedition start with a talk by the sifu (my ayah). Talk or a.k.a LDK(latihan dlm kumpulan) ni kami bwat dkt PD Marina tpt kami menginap ntok 3 hari 2 mlm. dewan training ni btol2 seblah swimming pool. so mmg menarik la kan, tepi laut, tepi swimming pool..rase sejuk2 je angin bertiup. haaaaa kt bwh ni gambar sifu sedang bagi taklimat...terpakse gune mahjong paper je sbb kemudahan ntok projektor x berape nk mengizinkan.

selain dr tu, mase LDK jugak kami ade presentation by group, saye group dgn kak yan, adik hanis n fazreeq.

mlm plak, ade BBQ, tp disebabkan suasana gelap, so gmbr xde yg ok... gmbr ni je ade..persiapan ntok BBQ by adik hanis n razif.

hari ahad plak, pagi kami ade LDK jugak, then lps lunch ade paintball match. mmg super seronok, sampai ade yg lebam sane sini. hihih kesian hubby lebam dkt 2-2 peha kene shoot ngan areeq. hahaah... tp mmg super best! Paintball ni kami main kt Eagle Ranch. alhamdulillah saye n kak yan x kene lebam2..maybe sebab kami nyorok  je blakang bunker tu kot. hahaahaha. tp kesian mira kene headshot beb!!! fuh bengkak!. naseb baik x berdarah.

then, last day ari isnin, our mission is, mengexplore Gua Batu Maloi, kt Air Mawang,, Johol. kami gerak dr PD pukul 7 pagi (walaupon plan awal nk gerak kol 630, biaselah janji koboi). then stop kejap kt kampung Melekai ntok sarap! ade meee kari Johol. bak kate areeq, terbaikkkk!. rugi x test!. huh.. so kami sampai kt Gua Batu Maloi dlm kol 9 pagi.  lps siap2 dgn pakaian masing2, dgr taklimat dr en. Nazri, kami pon mulekan perjalanan. (oooopppp lupe nk mention kt sini, kami sume masok gua kecuali kak yan, sebab kak yan takot katak). hihihi. so, ber-guide kn 2 org renjer, kami pon masok ke dlm gua. dlm gua batu maloi ni, ade pecahan2 gua kecil...iaitu gua katak, gua kelawar, gua  kapal, gua batu cahaya. mmg sngt adventure, menarik, superbb!!!!!.. badan mmg kene jd ahli gimnastic sket, ade gaya menjalar, menyelam, berenang, baring, cangkung, duduk, meniarap, tonggeng sane, tonggeng sini..fuhh! lutut sume lebam2. cantik sungguh kejadian tuhan. dalam gua tu ade air terjun yg sngt sejuk n cantik. air deras, ade kelawar, ade katak, ulat gonggok besar. tp syg sngt sebab kami tak bwk waterproof camera. kalo bwk camera biase nnt rosak. due to aktiviti yg melibatkn air terlampau lah sngt byknye. sampaikan, ade yg kene menyelam disebabkn nk melepasi laluan dlm gua tuh. super duper interesting!!!.
 so bg mmbr2 yg blm pernah sampai kt gua batu maloi ni, mmg sngt2 dialu2kn..pengalaman yg xdpt dibayangkn oleh minda. kene try baru blh rase syiok die canne. hihihi..overall, ekspedisi ni  mmg terbaik, rase mcm nk join lg kalo ade trip ke sane.


Sunday 3 February 2013

Mau bisnes ka x mau bisnes??

eeeeeeee geramnyeeeeeeee!!!!! x phm la org bwat bises skang nih.. ptg td, saye bwk kain batik ke sebuah butik melayu ntok bwat baju kurung. nk bwat pesak gantung, aka baju kurung modern. pastu kakak tu pon beriye la tanye, kain nk lipat kipas ke, lipat batik biase, pastu nk pakai bile, n blablabla...selesai je akak tu gunting sikit cebisan kain ntok disertakan dgn resit bg kt saye, saye pon berdiri la...ready nk diambil kn ukuran baju..

n Guess wat kakak tu ckp,"eh, ooo adik x pernah tempah kt sini eh? sorry la dik.saye x reti nk amek ukuran. sebab tokey kedai ni die x saye tlg jage je" . perghhhhhh!!!!!! pesal la die ni x ckp awal2?? baik ckp subuh esok je... kalo ckp awal2, blh la saye g kedai lain... huh!!!!..stress btol la ade org cenggini..yg tokey nye pon 1, nape la suh org yg x reti amek ukuran keje kt KEDAI BAJU??? tapahammm!!!!. so nak tak nak, sebab da byr deposit, saye pon janji la ngan akak tu ntok bwk contoh baju. (happepontabolehhhhh)

And, lagu satu situation, seblah butik baju ni, ade butik ala-ala jual produk kecantikan mcm tia-amelia, sendayu tinggi, syurah sume tuh. so kebetulan saye mmg nk beli Pemutih Tia Amelia. So, saye pon tanye la" Kak, Pemutih Tia Amelia ade?" Pastu akak tu pon tercangak-cangak la nk carik Pemutih tu...Tapi super pelik bin ajaib bile die bagi Sabun plak.. Dah terang2 tulis kt label tu Sabun, bukan pemutih...X tahu la kalo akak ni mmg x reti bace ke, or x berape nk nmpk ke kan. last2, saye yg tlg tunjukkan mane 1 is Pemutih Tia Amelia.. then, bile tanye harge, die RM 30..pastu die plak yg sendirik komen, " Bende kecik je tp mahal"...sekali lagi saye terkejot...What the fishhhh???!!!!! Hello i'm your customer ok. cube la yakin kn customer, nk gune produk2 awak tu..nasib baik la saye mmg penggune setia produk ni, kalo saye baru, mmg da xnk beli dah..

Haih..tu la ..agak kecewa dengan sikap penjual2 melayu ni. sorry to say..i am Malay but kalo camni la sikap Penjual2 Melayu, canne la kite ni nk maju? nk bangkit dlm industri jual beli ni....tapi saye yakin, x semua Businessman / businesswoman mcm tu kn...

well, semoga mereka blh improve themselves to a better level of minded...


Saturday 2 February 2013

Thinking of doing breakfast???

You have problem facing on what to prepare for breakfast??


Roti Tolor!!!

hahhaha mesti ade yg tgh gelak kn n ckp dlm hati(hek adik aku tadika tu pon blh buat). hahha...xpe2....anda dibenarkn ntok gelak ye. hihih.... resipi ni mmg simple. 

kene ade:-
- Roti - 3-4 keping
- Telor - 2 biji
- garam sket
- marjerin
- cili merah
- bawang merah

haaaaa cam biase la kan, gaul kn hirisan bawang, cili merah hiris, dengan roti n garam sket... pastu celup roti dlm gaulan td, n panaskn pan gune marjerin je, xyah gune minyak pon. dan siappppp!!!!!! 

sebenarnye entry ni nk bg semangat kt kawan2 yg kengkadang tu mls nk msk or mls nk ke dapur.. wellm to tell u the truth, me too are soooo not  a kitchen lover..but atleast i have the courage to try. kalo kite x try kite x tahu kn, n x blh nk improve ourself. hihih

Kalo encik hubby saye, suke mkn roti telur ni cicah ngan sos cili. kalo saye, mkn gitu je dah cukup..maklom la x tahan spicy food. hihihih... Saye pernah dgr, kalo nk ikat suami, ikat perot nye kene la msk kn (harap2 hubby terharu bile bace - eh, die akan bace ke??) hahaahaha. saye ni pon agak jarang ke sekali sekale tu harus jugak la..kite kn wanita..walaupon berkerjaya setinggi manepon, ke dapur mesti ok. tp kalo cik abag kite baik hati nk bwk pi mkn kt luar, jgn tolak. hahahahaa...

alhamdulillah... kite mule dr bawah...xpe. start with something simple, n improve it from time to time. kalo boleh heret gak same hasben ntok tolong kt dapur tu.. (=_=')

And, kalo u ols nk tahu, saye stat masak pon mase lps keje. haaaaa gelabah ibu risau sebab mase tu da nk kawen tp msk fail! lagi. tp skang alhamdulillah da ok sket(ok ker??) hahhhaa... saye slalo blaja msk dr ibu, kwn2, yg paling senang skali, blaja gune Mr. Goooooogle!.sngt membantu okehhhh!....type je resepi pape, tadaaaaa!!!! u got  the answer bebeh!!. hihihi.... so, bg sesape yg baru berjinak2 nk blaja masak tu, dont give up!!..jom kite gooogle sesame.. hahhaa...

~writing with love~


haaaaaa cer teka da kenape nih??? xpela..xyah teka kang sampai subuh sok x dpt jawapan. hihihih..critenye gini,,ptg td saye dok rajin la nk menggoreng samosa...tgh tggu minyak mendidih tu, senduk yg kene minyak panas tu tnk terjatuh, so saye pon dgn gagahnye pegi sambut senduk tu, yang ade minyak panas...ape lg..menjerit la sekuat hati.....uwaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!.......teros gelabah amek ais kt dlm fridge..naseb baik jumpe....

pastu sakit still x reda, n xtahu nk bwat ape....dlm panic2 tu, smpt gak la jari ni click Mr. Google and search "Terkena Minyak Panas"..and, wallahhhhh!!!!!! jumpe satu tips nih....amek garam and letak air sket nk bagi garam tu lekat kt tpt kene minyak tuh... so saye pon try la...siap rendam jari2 tu ngan air garam...sebab da pijar sngt..n kaler mcm da merah. uhuhuhu....alhamdulillah...hasilnye, sekejap je da kembali stabil...walaupon die still saket kalo kene sentuh....

So, a million thanks gak la kepade sesiape yg upload tips2 terkena minyak panas cenggini..alhamdulillah....kalo x, sure da membengkak and mengelembong......huhuhuhuh takotttt.....

Bg kawan2 yg rajin kt dapur tu, kene ingt eh tipr bergune nih. n hati2 la while dealing with the tools in the cus be very dangerous place though.


Friday 1 February 2013

No Judging peeepsss!!!


Warkah kali ni...(ehh jgn nk warkah sngt lah ainaaa)... hihii..

Entry kali ni khas ditujukan kepade semua rakyat x kire la di Malaysia ke, UK ke, Laos ke, mahupon Zimbabwe....


i hate to see or meet people , or even stay in the crowd of people yg suke sngt nk judge-judge org ni. Please la u olsss.... kite ni sape nk judge or hakimi org? we are not even perfect!. entry ni bukan nk mengate sesape la kan(ade ke yg terase?) . this is general discussion. 

From my very own opinion, x semestinye org yg x berpelajaran, kite x blh blaja pape dr dieaong btol x? n kdg2 org yg berkedudukan tggi ni plak, lupe kt mane dieoang berdiri sebelom ni, sampai xnk pandang dah org kt bwh nu ha.... ingtlah, Allah bg kite nikmat kesenangan tu sebab nk tlg org ssh i.e zakat, sedekah n blabblabla.....

hurmmm.. pernah dengar x omputih ckp "Dont Judge A Book By It's Cover"? Phare ni mmg btol n kite kene la ingt2 slalo...cthnye, kite x blh la nk benci or x suke org tu hanye disebabkn org lain ckp, that girl/boy x bagus.. kite kene kenal dieoang dulu, baru blh kite bwat keputusan sendrik whether they are really that bad or not. bukan hanye ikot telunjuk org je kan? Ade 1 kesah ni, satu group of mmbr (dlm 4 org la) , die x suke dgn sorang kakak ni. saye pon tanye la kenape eh. ape yg kakak tu da  bwat kt korang ehhh?? pastu dieoang ckp, sebab kakak tu x pernah senyum kt dieoang. hellooooooo!!!!! korang blh x bernafas ke kalo die x senyum kt korang?? Chill ah beb!!!! da muke kakak tu camtu, anugerah tuhan nk bg kt die, biar la kan? but, surprisingly, bile saye cube dekati kakak tu sendirik, she is seriously a very good-kind-hearted lady, a mom of a very intelligent boy, x kesah la ape org nk kate, saye masih n akan tetap berkawan dgn kakak tu. look people, you x berhak nk ckp org camtu, or judge org camtu without real (REALLY) knowing

ok la.. tu je nk please, no judging peeps! no matter what they are...your neighbour, siblings, friends, bosses...n  blablabla..