Wednesday 21 August 2013

Legoland yawww (Peace)

Assalamualaikum.. pheww..its been awhile after i've hiding myself away from this blog... there's no particular reason actually.. just a lil bit busy of i dont know doing what. hahha...

so lets' catch up a bit of these few months story, begin with a visit to Legoland Malaysia. well,, tpt ni mmg bes, sebab saye mmg suke lego. drpd small tiny2 lego miniature sampai la ke as big as a girrafe punye lego model. mane x geram??

mase pegi tu dlm bulan 3 so ade few tpt still x habes siap bina lg..mcm watertheme park die.. so bile water park da siap, maybe kene dtg balik kot. hahaha..

legoland ni mcm nk tiru ala2 Universal studio la lebih kurang(tp ofcourse la USS lg power kaaaaan)... tp for those who planning to go there, pls pls pls be make sure to bring ur cap/umbrella.. sbb tpt tu super hot!! no kidding taw..maybe sbb x byk pokok. phew...berpoloh-poloh bak kate org noghori. hihih..

tp korang sume patut jugak la pegi. sebab sape lg nk support tpt Malaysia kalo bukan we all Malaysia kn kn? heeee...blh jd duta lps ni. :P

ok enjoy the pic although its jus a few. heee


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