Thursday 4 April 2013

Partner In Crime hahah

Macam2 nye lah haiiii aktiviti saye mase block leave ni....hihihi..sgt digunekan sebaik2nye (i guess so).

Kebetulan Balqis(my bff a.k.a partner in crime) cuti, so kami pon sngt2 menggunekan kesempatan yg ade la kn ntok berjimba (not sure whether this word is appropriate or not :) ) ..

kami tlah melepakkan diri dkt my fav shopping place -Alamanda Putrajaya. weeehuuuu...sgt happy okehhh!!!

- g mkn madam kwans - order my fav chicken chop + ice lemon tea + sago gula melaka (perghhhhh x blh too much nnt kene potong kaki)
- g jln2 - plan nk beli handbag la kasut la - last2 sume pon x beli. huhuh
- top of the list - tgk GI JOE..mmg terbaik woooookkkkkk... suke gile crite ni..full of action! 5 bintang!

ok sngt terserlah happy nye saye bile kuar ngan cik puan balqis nih.. hihih love u qis! xoxo

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