Sunday 10 March 2013

KEB Award Night for 2012

 Tahniah buat usahawan-usahawan berjaya yg telah membuktikan bahawa kejayaan anda telah membuahkn hasil..(ok ape merepek ckp nih). hihihi.. congratulations to all KEB awardees...specially for Ayah (Dr. Haji Raman bin Md. Yasin), ibu (Hajah Zuraida Anim Binti Othman) , along(Izfar Aslam bin Raman) ,adik( Irfan Fazreeq bin Raman)

Alhamdulillah..Alhamdulillah..Alhamdulilllahhhh.......being so grateful & thankful for being a part of this beautiful family....Sesungguhnye, doa anakanda mu ini tidak akan putus bwat kesejahteraan kita sekeluarga...

jus wan to let u know that i love being around with these people who are really been next to me whenever i'm at the top of my life (ade ke?) or at the beneath of the earth ...

ok shud stop crying now. hahaha..


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