Tuesday 15 January 2013

Gossip Mossipppp

.....Gossip Girlssss......

haaaaa ape u ols pikir bile nmpk tajuk cenggini?? sure korang terbayangkn girls2, yg tengah berkumpul dok chit-chat kan?? pastu bisik2, gelak2...welll..... exactly!!!! hahahahah..
Ahad lepas, mase encik hubby busy attend Seminar, saye pon busy la buat temujanji dengan my BFF!!!!..holaaaaaa....introducing my BFF cik Balqis Sulaiman.. haaa...or we call her Qis / Gurl...
Both of us are same age, da knal since last 10 yearss!!!! OMG!!! da 10 years???quite a long relationship!.. qis was my housemate when we rent a house in Wangsa Maju, and she is also my neighbour.. 1 thing i love about her is, she will always be at my side despite of what my situation is. 
And of corse i love her sooooo much!..
so, bile 2 org wanita da lame x berjumpe, ape lagi, riuh la tpt tu kiteoang buat. hahaha...ade je crite nk update. haaaa mcm artisttttt sngt kaaaaannnn!!!. hihihi.. so guyssss meet my friends....QIS :)

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